Lost Treasure
Growing up, what little boy didn’t want to be a pirate? Life on the high seas, wearing whatever you wanted, pillaging, and doing as you pleased. And the best part, hunting for lost treasure.
In today’s ever-perilous economic times, fortunes are spent every day, some for good cause, some for fun, and some a complete waste of money. Take for example the Gang of 12 “Super Committee”. In theory, a solid idea. With Washington being more dysfunctional than ever before (is that even possible?) 6 Blues and 6 Reds hashing out a plan to get us out of the Grand Canyon of debt and deficit spending sounds like a good idea, right? But wait, I know my memory is a tad weak, but didn’t we just undertake the very same process with the Bowles-Simpson Deficit Reduction Committee last November? Hmmm – 3 Donkeys, 3 Elephants reaching consensus on how to get us out of debt and deficit spending? Sound familar? Now where could that confounded report be? I picture it in the same secret giant warehouse where the Ark of the Lost Covenant was stored in Raiders of the Lost Ark. I bet we could also find the Knights of Templar Treasure there, a few Roswell alien bodies, maybe the real Dead Sea Scrolls.
Tags: deficit, gang of 12, politics