GOP Stop 1: South Carolina …
Posted in The Horseshoe, The Plus-Minus, US Politics on May 6th, 2011 by Ian Paregol May 6, 2011 – So it wasn’t the Legion of Doom line from the 1996 Philadelphia Flyers (Lindros, LeClair and Renberg) but five of the GOP hopefuls did appear in Greenville, South Carolina to offer their respective campaigns’ spin to the foreign and domestic issues of the day. I sat through this sound bite event – which was inexplicably termed a “debate” – for its entirety and I felt like I learned a bit more about Gary Johnson who looked uncomfortable in his own skin (and The Bench Jockeys have downgraded him accordingly) and underestimated the “everyman” appeal of a very well-spoken Herman Cain (who earned a boost in his odds). Tim Pawlenty looked very presidential and at ease. Although T-Paw was a bit scripted, he offered tight answers and knew when to admit he had made an error rather than executing the standard politician rope-a-dope. Ron Paul, who was well-supported by the South Carolina audience, looked frail; I think that his window may have closed. (The Bench Jockeys will be tweaking him downward as well.) Fellow DSL alum Rick Santorum stood out in the quintet as overly moralistic, and even in this 86 octane mid-grade candidate field, the Rooster did not finish in the Top 3.
Pluses go to Pawlenty and Cain/ A Minus goes to Johnson/ No goals against & no goals scored for Paul and Santorum.
The next Republican gabfest will be Iowa on August 11th.