Haley Barbour Passes on 2012 Bid
Posted in The Horseshoe, US Politics on April 25th, 2011 by Ian ParegolApril 25 – Like Cosmo Kramer in “The Contest,” Mississippi Governor, Haley Barbour is out. The Bench Jockeys considered Barbour a mid-level contender for the 2012 Republican nomination and as a result of today’s announcement, the current money lines must be assessed. We detected that there was likely some blood in the water when the media began to scrutinize Barbour’s days as a lobbyist, but we did not expect him to fold this early.
As for ripple impacts on the remaining 34 potential candidates, The Bench Jockeys are tweaking Gingrich, Huckabee and Daniels. With Barbour out, Read more »